Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things That Scare You

I forgot to post this last night... so, forgive me. I'm a bit behind! :)

1. Clowns. Any clowns. Thanks, Stephen King.
2. Rodents. They are the most disgusting creature known to man, and they give me panic attacks.
3. Misplaced, or misused, power/control. Unfortunately, we see it far too often these days.
4. Failure, in any form. The possibility never makes life easier.
5. Deadlines
6. Music that just sounds like a bunch of screaming… is that called Screamo? Whatever; it’s scary to me that people mistake that as talent.
7. Cancer
8. Childbirth. It’s bad to put “childbirth” after something as devastating as Cancer, and I know it’s beautiful and blah, blah, blah… but the thought of it terrifies me to my very core.
9. Animals dressed as humans (and that is specifically for Allison and Lacy)
10. Misunderstandings. Actually, any “mis” words in general. They usually don’t mean something fun and happy.

1 comment:

tracysuzanne said...

number 9...perfect friends reference! the one with all the embryos!!!

can i call you monica?
